“Heightening awareness of the importance of the first two years of collegiate mathematics”
James Boffenmyer
2018-2019-2020 LaMsMATYC President
Good day and welcome to the website that represents the Louisiana/Mississippi Chapter of the American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges, LaMsMATYC. My name is James Boffenmyer and I am serving as the president for the 2018-2019 year. I have been a mathematics instructor for only a short amount of time, 4 years and I have earned numerous institutional and system-wide accolades along that journey. I teach primarily at South Louisiana Community College, but I also assist with Dual Enrollment with LSU-Eunice, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and various institutions across the country in teaching and developing online curriculum in first and second year mathematics. I am currently transitioning as the Assistant Director of Academic Success. I have been a member of LaMsMATYC for the last four years and I hope to be around for many years to come as our organization grows.
Born and raised by a high school science teacher, my father instilled the notion of hard work and determination. Thus, when it came time for my college years, I attended Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College- Gautier, MS not yet knowing what I wanted to do. (Math was far from the top of that list since it never made sense!) I had two instructors whom I will never forget who changed my life forever. Since then, the lightbulb has never stopped shining and mathematics has been the focal point of everything that I do. Afterwards, graduating from LSU and then the University of Southern Mississippi, I make sure to never forget where my roots are and where I am at now. Two-year colleges changed my life and I’m extremely fortunate to be a part of this organization to give back what they have given me.
LaMsMATYC is an organization dedicated to the nurturing and growth of the teacher of the two-year colleges and a place where teachers can share ideas, learn new techniques of quality instruction, and share experiences with colleagues. LaMsMATYC, as well as the networking involved, helps re-energize my educational drive and enhance my mathematical pedagogy. The presentations delivered at our conference are world class and our members should expect nothing less!
Teaching in the two-year college system is always like riding a roller coaster. We are always ready to teach anyone who walks through the classroom door, but we must be innovative in every facet of what we do. Two-year college mathematics instructors are truly committed to the idea of education being available to everyone. We teach & mentor students that have a wide spectrum of learning abilities, ages, and various backgrounds. Educating students who may be less prepared as those attending a four-year college does not mean that we provide a “watered down” educational experience, it means that we provide the entire package for student success. While the work we do is not always acknowledged by those making policies, we persevere & strive to make a difference in our society and in our local communities.
I encourage everyone who reads this message (member or non-member) to reach out to any institution and bring them into this organization. We have increased our partnerships quite a bit in the past 4 years, but we still have institutions within our states that do not have representation. My goal is to have representation from every two-year institution in both Mississippi and Louisiana. If you are curious about joining or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and we can strike up a conversation!
On behalf of our executive team, myself, and all of LaMsMATYC, I wish that you have a smooth and successful year! I am looking forward to serving this organization and your efforts in the many years to come.