“Heightening awareness of the importance of the first two years of collegiate mathematics”
Eddie Britt
2017-2018 LaMsMATYC President
Welcome to the LaMsMATYC website. My name is Eddie Britt and I am currently President of LaMsMATYC. I have been a mathematics instructor for sixteen years. I have taught at both the high school and community college level. I am currently division chair for Mathematics and Computer Science at Copiah-Lincoln Community College. I have been a member of LaMsMATYC and AMATYC for the last five years. I have served recently as President of Mississippi Collegiate Mathematics Association, member of Board of Directors for Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics, member of NCTM, and member of the conference planning committee for the AMATYC 2015 conference.
LaMsMATYC is an organization dedicated to the nurturing and growth of the teacher of the two-year colleges and a place where teachers can share ideas, learn new techniques of quality instruction, and share experiences with colleagues. LaMsMATYC and AMATYC help to “recharge” my educational drive and enhance my mathematical pedagogy. The presentations delivered at our conferences are second to none!
Teaching in the two-year college is an adventure. We are always ready to teach anyone who walks through the classroom door. Two-year college mathematics instructors are truly committed to the idea of education being available to everyone. We teach a broad spectrum of learning abilities and ages. Educating students who may be less prepared as those attending a four-year college does not mean that we provide a “watered down” educational experience. Our students are going on to the next level of education and succeeding.
I challenge every member of LaMsMATYC that reads this to reach out to all of your neighboring two-year colleges and bring them into this organization representing each college in your state. Many two-year colleges have no representation in the current membership of our organization. I would love to see more members from every two-year institution in both Mississippi and Louisiana.
On behalf of our executive team, and myself, I wish for you a successful school year. I am looking forward to serving this organization and your efforts in the years to come.